For the locations and times of Parish Council meetings please refer to the individual agendas.
Members of the public are welcome to attend but can not participate in the meetings however, a short period is put aside at the beginning for anyone who wishes to address the Council on matters to be discussed at that meeting.
DTF (Documents To Follow) denotes that a meeting is scheduled for that date and the agenda will be published here three clear days before the meeting.
Minutes have to be agreed at the meeting following which they were recorded so they will be posted here one month in arrears.
In April and May of each year the Parish Council holds an Annual Parish Meeting and an Annual Meeting of the Parish Council.
At the Annual Parish Meeting the Chairman produces a Report on the progress of the previous year and plans for the forthcoming year. This is not a formal Parish Council Meeting.
At the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council the Chairman and Vice Chairman stand down and are re-elected by the other members of the council. Every four years there is an election of the whole council.